Hydraulics and Hydrology
Our hydraulics and hydrology team has decades of experience dealing with a wide variety of problems and issues involving flow and storage of water. We find creative solutions to prevent floods, mitigate droughts, supply water for municipalities and industries, manage and redirect rivers, design hydraulic structures, and protect/prudently develop our water resources. We utilize advanced analytical and software tools to investigate, understand, and model fundamental flow and transport processes in a wide variety of hydraulic and hydrologic settings. Our surface water group works closely with our hydrogeology group to conduct integrated studies for addressing problems in all phases of the hydrologic cycle: terrestrial, geologic, and atmospheric. Our suite of services in water resources engineering include:
- Flood Forecasting
- Flood Frequency Analysis
- Water Supply Studies
- Flow Duration Analysis
- Bridge Scouring Studies
- Hydrometeorology
- Environmental Hydraulics
- Hydrologic Modeling
- Radar and Satellite Rainfall Estimation
- Wetlands Studies
- Stormwater Management
- Hydraulic Structures
- Open Channel and Turbulent Flow
- Stream Restoration
- Landfill Drainage
- Sediment Transport